From University Student to Entrepreneur – Factors Influencing the Entrepreneurial Intentions of Business Development MSc Students

29 June 2022DOI:

Author information:

Krisztofer Szabó: Corvinus University of Budapest, PhD student. E-mail:

Márta Aranyossy: Corvinus University of Budapest, Associate Professor. E-mail:

Dóra Bárczy: Corvinus University of Budapest, MSc Graduate. E-mail:


This study examines the entrepreneurial inclinations of young Hungarians, focusing on university students whose education and ambitions point towards entrepreneurial life. The research questions aimed to explore the career aspirations of students, their motivations for starting a business, the factors that hinder them, and how the university creates an encouraging environment. To answer these questions, a questionnaire-based survey ensuring comparability was conducted among MSc students of business development, and the data were evaluated with descriptive statistical tools and statistical tests as well as cluster analysis. It was found that the young people whose entrepreneurial inclination is higher than the Hungarian and international average mainly differ from their peers in their drive for autonomy, courage and risk perception, along with the fact that, in relation to the scarcity of capital, which was found to be a major obstacle, they would also welcome assistance from universities in financing.

Cite as (APA):

Szabó, K., Aranyossy, M., & Bárczy, D. (2022). From University Student to Entrepreneur – Factors Influencing the Entrepreneurial Intentions of Business Development MSc Students. Financial and Economic Review, 21(2), 125–151.

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Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) codes:

M13, I23, I25


starting a business, entrepreneurial intention, encouraging entrepreneurship at universities


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