Open Access Policy

The Financial and Economic Review [in Hungarian: Hitelintézeti Szemle] is a libre open access journal. In accordance with the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI,, this means that users are free to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, link to, and use for any other lawful purpose the full texts of articles published in the journal, without financial, legal, or technical limitations as long as they adhere to the internationally acknowledged norms of scholarly ethics (proper citation, reference etc.).

The copyright of articles published in the journal remains with the author. The journal has the right of use and first publication. The published work is licensed under Creative Commons License “Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International" (CC BY-NC 4.0). This means that copying, redistribution, remixing, transformation and building upon the published work is allowed for any purpose except commercial purposes as long as proper credit is given to the author, a link to the licence is provided, and any changes made to the original work are indicated. More on copyright, licencing and archiving HERE.

No publishing or reading fees

Following a publication policy based on the principle of equity, the Financial and Economic Review does not charge any article processing, submission, translation, proofreading or publication charges. All articles published in the journal are made available on the website without delay after official publication free of charge and without registration.