Revision of the quantification of market risk in the Basel III regulatory framework

24 March 2016

Author information:

Gyöngyi Bugár: University of Pécs, Associate Professor. E-mail:

Anita Ratting: University of Pécs, PhD student. E-mail:


The purpose of our study is to provide an overview of the revisions made to the Basel III regulatory framework in the aftermath of the 2007 crisis, with regard to measuring the risk associated with positions included in the trading book. The calculation of the regulatory capital requirement (i.e. the capital to be earmarked for covering the losses of trading book portfolios exposed to market risk) is based on the value-at-risk (VaR) to date. The literature pointed out the weaknesses of VaR as early as the turn of the millennium, and the financial crisis of 2007 only confirmed the inadequacy of the previous system. Nevertheless, moving the Basel regulatory framework to a new system of risk measurement was only put on the agenda after a significant delay. Formulating the details of the changes affecting the trading book has gained momentum in recent months, resulting in a series of consultative documents, issued by the Committee, which constitute the foundation for the impending new recommendations.

Cite as (APA):

Bugár, G., & Ratting, A. (2016). Revision of the quantification of market risk in the Basel III regulatory framework. Financial and Economic Review, 15(1), 33–50.

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Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) codes:

D81, G21, G28


market risk, Basel regulatory framework, Value-at-Risk (VaR), expected shortfall (ES)


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